Ep293: Turning Words into Wealth with Author Trainer Aurora Winter, MBA

It is said that there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you, which is why award-winning author and writing coach Aurora Winter has made it her life’s work to help people realize the value of what they have to say.

Her natural vibrancy and lively personality gave her a natural edge in the entertainment industry where she spent most of her quirks and conquests. In seeing that all that the reputation she had gained and the relationships she had made was built on a foundation of excellent communication, it was during this time when she understood the value of her stories.

“What I’ve noticed about the most successful people is always rooted in communication—they have a way of sharing stories.”

But after spending time falling in love, getting into all sorts of businesses, and “schmoozing with celebrities”, Aurora decided that it was well about time she doubled down on what she felt was her calling.

After a few years of diligent studying in Italy, she took her chances, and with a small email list of over 12,000 people, capitalized on her expertise and influence to pursue a career in writing.

“I share that story because no matter what I’m going through, what you’re going through, what our listeners may be going through, there is a way through,” Aurora emphasizes, “If you have a big enough reason why.”

Now a celebrated figure among authors and entertainers alike, Aurora reminds us that success follows those who are willing to take the risks of a path less travelled. To her, it is important to lead your own life and write your story the way you want it.

“The most successful people—at least what I would define as success—their intention is of high integrity and not just to line their pockets.”

More from Aurora:

Hi, I’m Jules
I’m Jules, founder of Unconventional Life, born from a dream after a near-death experience seven years ago. As a 2x TEDx speaker, global event host, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, and artist, I’m passionate about guiding you to unleash your soul’s greatest gifts. Together with my two sisters, I’ve expanded UL’s mission by co-creating Pink Lemon Agency, a creative marketing agency designed to help bring bold visions to life.
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